Experience, expertise and common sense.
First Party No-Fault
Motor Vehicle Litigation / September 1, 2016
Court/Case No: Oakland County Circuit Court/15-148550-NI
Tried/Argued Before: Judge
Demand: $60,000.00
Verdict: $0 – Summary Disposition granted
Name of Judge(s): Honorable Judge Leo Bowman
Keys to the Case:
Detailed briefing, thorough research, and expertise in interpreting the No-Fault Act and recent precedents such as Bahri v IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company, 308 Mich App 420 (2014) enabled defense counsel to establish that the plaintiff’s misrepresentations, regarding his ownership of the involved vehicle, were fatal to his PIP claim.
Defense SW attorney(s) Involved in Case:

Quality legal representation is the result of knowledge, economy & hard work