Construction Industry Newsline

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Court of Appeals underscores that the Common Work Area doctrine is a limited exception, and the Plaintiff has burden of establishing each element

“Is It Just Me, Or Is This Thing Dangerous?” Court of Appeals Considers What Is Dangerous To A “Significant Number Of Workers” In Common Work Area Case

Michigan Supreme Court Holds That The Michigan Consumer Protection Act Exemption Applies To Licensed Residential Home Builders

A Contractor Owes No Duty To A Plaintiff Seperate And Distinct From The Duty Owed Under Its Contract

Michigan Supreme Court Clarifies That Certain Construction Negligence Claims Are Governed By Six-Year Statute of Limitations

The Final Word: The Open and Obvious Doctrine No Longer Applicable In Personal Injury Construction Cases

Construction Defendants Lose Critical Defenses in Personal Injury Claims

Michigan Court of Appeals Applies New Construction Case Law Retroactively to Prelude Liability for Construction Site Injury

Michigan Supreme Court Holds A Settling Defendant May Pursue An Action for Contribution Despite The 1995 Tort Reform Legislation’s Abolition of Joint Liability

Limitations on Construction Claims Continue