Our Municipal Law Practice Group is one of the largest in the state. Our attorneys serve as both general counsel and special counsel for cities, villages, townships, and other local governmental agencies throughout the southeast Michigan region and beyond. We provide a full range of day-to-day advice to our clients on issues like ordinance drafting and enforcement; contract procurement, negotiation, and administration; Open Meetings Act and FOIA compliance; special assessment procedures; intergovernmental agreements; and regulatory permits and approvals. We regularly attend council, board, and commission meetings and public hearings. We appear in court to defend their actions and enforce their regulatory authority. Widely recognized as a leader in the field, we have often been selected to prepare "friend of the court" appellate briefs for groups like the Michigan Municipal League, the Michigan Townships Association, and the Public Corporation Section of the State Bar of Michigan on significant public law issues.
Group Chair
Practice Groups

Quality legal representation is the result of knowledge, economy & hard work