Michigan Mold Claims Defense Lawyers: Personal Injury & Property Damage Claims - Negligence, Breach of Contract, Fraud, Misrepresentation, MI ADA and MI CPA violations
Secrest Wardle has been at the forefront of the defense of mold litigation in the State of Michigan, defending dozens of personal injury and property damage claims. Our experience includes successfully trying to jury verdict several cases including Rose v Howison, and Monroe v Structure and Site.
We have succeeded in obtaining summary disposition in mold cases brought under theories of negligence, breach of contract, fraud, misrepresentation, violation of the Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, and violation of the Michigan Consumer Protection Act. The Firm has also obtained numerous voluntary dismissals.
Secrest Wardle has led the defense bar in developing resources that will assist in continuing to successfully defend mold claims. In response to the creative efforts of the plaintiffs’ bar to expand personal injury claims to include neuropsychological injuries, Secrest Wardle was instrumental in developing the record necessary to preclude such claims under the Daubert standard. Counsel from Secrest Wardle took the deposition of expert Wayne Gordon, Ph.D., the author of an article frequently relied upon by the plaintiff bar to support arguments that mold is a neurotoxin in humans. Following his deposition, plaintiff’s neuropsychological claims lacked the scientific foundation required for admission into evidence.
Michigan Mold Claims Defense Lawyers serving Insurance, Real Estate, and Construction Industries
The Firm has been a leader in presenting information to the insurance, real estate, and construction industries pertaining to mold claims, litigation, and risk management. Publications, newsletters, and the presentation of a comprehensive mold seminar have provided our clients with the information necessary to successfully deal with the issues in this area of the law.
Contact our Michigan Mold Claims Defense Law Firm
If you or your insured needs a highly skilled and experienced law firm to defend a mold claim, call attorney Bruce Truex today at (248) 539-2818. He will evaluate your case and explain how Secrest Wardle can help you with your case.
Areas Served for Michigan Mold Claims
Secrest Wardle defends mold claims throughout the State of Michigan, including in Detroit, Flint, Saginaw, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Port Huron, and in Northern Michigan.
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